Years of experiencie
Satisfied clients
Human resources
Featured services Andorra
Processing of residence permits in Andorra
In Andorra there are different types of residences:
On their own
Residence and work
Incorporation of companies in Andorra
We offer all the services and procedures necessary to create your own company in Andorra, purchase and sale of shares or shares, as well as all the structural modification processes of the same.
Real Estate Advicing in Andorra
Real estate advice and management is a permanent service of legal advice and document management framed in the Andorran real estate sector.
A world full of opportunities
We can help youPractice Areas
The office is organised by areas of practice to guarantee that each issue is handled by specialised professionals.
Financial Area
The Torras Asociados Finance department offers businesses and the self-employed comprehensive account management through analytical accounting. We study formulas for tax savings, cost optimisation, ratio analysis, international taxation, comprehensive advice, etc. We specialise in corporate tax planning, tax and exemption management (Corporation Tax, Value Added Tax...), enterprise valuation, corporate tax consolidation benefits, etc.
Tax Area
The Torras Asociados Tax department specialises in National and International Tax Planning and Investments, taking into consideration the peculiarities of accrued taxation, taxes and rates, the declaration of goods abroad, international double taxation agreements (DTAs) and other taxes for non-residents. Our lawyers process tax residence, probate, inheritance and other international procedures, backed by Alliott Group.
Employment Area
The Torras Asociados Employment department offerss businesses and the self-employed comprehensive management of their Social Security obligations and defence in Social Courts and Tribunals. We process hiring and firing employees, recruitments, wage slips, payment orders, retirement, disability and unemployment. We advise on Social Security benefits and help you plan the workplace management of your business.
TheTorras Asociados Auditors support you across all aspects related to Account Auditing, taking into consideration your obligations and limitations and providing specific financial and expert reports for each activity sector.
Contact us for personalised advice.
Make sure your accounts are right!
Our Company
Founded over 50 years ago, in 1955, by the lawyer Manuel Torras Balbastre, the firm began to specialise in tax consultancy when there was barely even a clearly defined tax system in Spain. Although he worked alone at first, he soon teamed up with other legal and finance professionals.
In the late 70s, the firm took on a new dimension with the incorporation of the lawyer Alfredo Torras Soler. It was at this point that the firm's services and objectives were redefined, in order to adapt to new corporate needs.
The next step was the incorporation of Sergio Torras Soler, a government tax inspector who requested a voluntary leave of absence to join the firm.
The firm now has a workforce of over 15 professionals and has joined forces with prestigious international partners to offer comprehensive services worldwide.
Read moreWhy confide in Torras & Asociados?
International Firm
We have a strong and solid international support network to ensure that our clients benefit directly from multidisciplinary services with global coverage.
We belong to an associations of professional offices located in the most important jurisdictions of Europe, Asia, America and Oceania.
Comprehensive Services
We offer our clients professional services and comprehensive attention, adapting to their needs at all times.
We advise our clients on how to carry out responsible and profitable business practices while maintaining a social, environmental and financial equilibrium.
Business Excellence
We pursue business excellence, which is why training, promotion and the enhancing of our human capital are the keys to maintaining our firm’s quality.
These qualities allow our professionals to take on responsibilities with sound judgement and determination, as well as to foresee future changes.
Professional Ethics
We abide by the Ethical Principles of honesty, integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and decency which guide our activity, satisfying the needs of our clients and offering them the most advantageous conditions.
Our hallmarks have always been our closeness to our customers and a constant desire to understand their needs and create value for them by offering a service of the highest quality in terms of both technical advice and the need to act and behave in an upright manner, respecting the ethical principles and values of our profession.
Out Team
Among the members of our team we have criminal lawyers, civil lawyers, mercantilist lawyers, tax lawyers, labor lawyers, accountants, economists, auditors and tax experts.
Latest news
A conseqüència de l’emergència sanitària internacional provocada per l’epidèmia del Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) el Govern del Principat d’Andorra ha aprovat avui una Llei òmnibus de mesures excepcionals i urgents per a pal·liar els efectes econòmics d’aquesta pandèmia que ens assota.
El Govern d'Andorra, en seu del Consell General, com a conseqüència del SARS Co-V, regula per primer cop al Principat l'Expedient de Regulació Temporal d'Ocupació. Una vegada ja aprovat es preveu la seva plena aplicació pel proper dia 1 de maig de 2020.
L’ERTO és el període temporal durant el qual la persona assalariada continua d’alta a l’empresa però veu suspès o reduït el desenvolupament efectiu de la jornada laboral.
El proppassat dia 14 de febrer va entrar en vigor la nova Llei 3/2019, del 17 de gener, de mesures urgents relatives a l’arrendament d’habitatges, arran de la creixent problemàtica al Principat per la complexitat de trobar pisos per llogar, sobre tot a les temporades d’hivern, quan es col·lapsa el mercant immobiliari amb els temporers .
Amb aquesta Llei el Govern andorrà ha volgut fomentar l’increment de pisos disponibles en el mercat d’habitatges, sancionant les conductes contràries a aquest estímul.
Finalment la Direcció General de Tributs (DGT) ha modificat el criteri en contra de la interpretació que fèiem pràcticament la totalitat d’assessors fiscals de la Sentència del Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea (TJUE), de 3 de setembre de 2014 (assumpte C-127/12) reconeixent l’aplicabilitat del règim previst a la Disposició addicional segona de la Llei 29/1987, de 18 de desembre, de l’Impost sobre Successions i Donacions (LISD), als extracomunitaris o de fora de l’Espai Econòmic Europeu (EEE).
El ministro de Asuntos Sociales, Justícia e Interior, Xavier Esport, ha informado al Consejo de Ministros que las personas no residentes en el Principado que no han tenido ninguna relación con la Administración, deberán solicitar un número de identificación administrativa (NIA) de forma previa a la realización de cualquier trámite.
El suplemento Economía y Empresa del periódico El Economista publica la entrevista realizada a nuestro socio director.
"Torras & Asociados es una de las firmas de asesoramiento integral a empresas con más bagaje a sus espaldas. Para conocer con detalle qué servicios ofrece el despacho, hablamos con su responsable, Sergio Torras Soler."